Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Linux security

Thought this was interesting. To sum it up, there's a huge flaw in the 64-bit Linux Kernel, specifically related to running 32-bit apps. With the right hack, you can create a buffer overflow, which will allow you to do just about anything you want.
As I've noted before, I think the whole idea of a root account is one of Linux's most concerning features. The Debian-based distros have tried to hide that by not allowing root to actually log in (ie, sudo), but all that does is add a level of abstraction on top of the issue.

Making matters more concerning is the groundless opinion of the Linux faithful that Linux is so solid, no one ever needs a virus protection tool. So a flaw like this can go uncaught. In addition, with this bug, a hacker can create a root session and persist that to disk via a binary. The impact of this is that even after the patch is applied, the root session may still be available, if you've already been hacked. It's just an executable file on the disk that contains a shell with root privs. It could be called anything, making it just about impossible to find.

Anyway, thought it was interesting.

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